Chrome extensions

Chrome extensions

Extensive experience building browser extensions for Google Chrome, including the distribution of several Chrome extensions in the Google Play Store.

  • Augmenting the functionality of existing websites via Chrome extension API's
  • Building embeddable applications via the Chrome extension API's, e.g. tools that can be embedded in Gmail
  • Building productivity tooling as a Chrome extension
  • Leveraging a number of Chrome extension API's
  • Implementing web messaging to support interprocess communication between content and background scripts
  • Overwriting and augmenting CSS styles via Chrome extension API's
  • Building options/configuration pages, browser action popups, content scripts, and background scripts to augment a user's experience across the web
  • Upgrading Chrome extensions to manifest version 3
  • Thorough understanding of Chrome Web Store guidelines and review process

Below are some projects that use Chrome extensions.

See all the other Technologies I work with.

Projects that use Chrome extensions